Finger Blisters: - Encephalitis

Finger Blisters: - Encephalitis

Finger Blisters: - Encephalitis
 Children to save children from a sparkle fever
 1- Keep away from sunlight.
 2- Consume excessive water.
 3-light-hearted food, keep the kids away from junk food.
 Do not discontinue the 4-empty stomach.
 After 5-night dinner, be sure to eat some sweet.
 6- Do not allow water to accumulate around the house. Serve the pesticides.
 At 7-night sleeping, use the duck in the mouth.
 8- Take a cup of whole body.
 9 Do not eat all the throat fruits.
 10- Do not allow water shortage in children's body. Drink water to more and more children.

 Symptoms :-

  To the children -
 1- Suddenly take a high fever.
 2-Hole Pie Soaking / Tight Hole
 4- Brightness of the body of the body / shiver of the body.
 5-out of the body on the rash
 6-Gulkose's body shrinks
 7-less sugar shrinking  Etc.

 Encepholitis / shiny bukhar ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
 This disease is more susceptible to children up to 10 years old.  You should take care of your children, if you have symptoms, contact the doctor immediately / reach the hospital.

   You help in spreading awareness in your Bihar and share more and more.  And take a small initiative to save the life of the newborn.
 On your listening list, send your family, relatives and friends to the guru and spread awareness.

                        Bihar government

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